For Librarians
Applying Fair Use in the Development of Electronic Reserves Systems - A statement endorsed by the members of the Shared Legal Capability (American Association of Law Libraries, American Library Association, Association of Research Libraries, Medical Library Association, and Special Libraries Association).
Circular 21: Reproduction of Copyrighted Works by Educators and Librarians - A quick and useful summary of copyright law as it applies to libraries.
Copyright advisory network - A website designed to provide information on copyright to librarians.
Copyright for Music Librarians - A site "maintained by the Legislation Committee of the Music Library Association (MLA) as a resource for anyone interested in issues of copyright as they apply to the fields of music and music librarianship."
Section 108 - A portion of copyright law which specifically permits "libraries and archives to make certain uses of copyrighted materials in order to serve the public and ensure the availability of works over time."
In addition, a resource that can help guide you through copyright-related decisions is also available.