More on Copyright
Columbia Copyright Advisory Office: Under the purview of Dr. Kenneth Crews, this copyright website at Columbia University includes another example of a fair use checklist to help you determine whether or not you need permission to use a copyrighted work, and a permissions guide to help you secure permission when you need it.
Copyright Crash Course: Maintained by Georgia Harper at the University of Texas, Austin, this site is an excellent source of copyright information for educational environments.
Cornell University Copyright Information Center: Cornell's copyright website includes a handy chart to figure out when a work enters the public domain.
Fair Use -- Center for Social Media: Good source of "best practices" for fair use practices when using copyrighted media.
A Fair(y) Use Tale: An entertaining video that uses Disney cartoon characters to demonstrate Fair Use.
Louisiana State University (formerly North Carolina State University) TEACH Act Toolkit: This website provides a detailed introduction to the TEACH Act, which is the legislation that governs copyright rules for distance education, including online education.
Stanford Copyright and Fair Use Center: The Stanford University Libraries offer a comprehensive site that includes links to the U.S. Constitution and copyright legislation, a detailed overview of fair use, and articles from prominent copyright scholars.
Stanford Copyright Renewal Database: This database searches Library of Congress copyright renewal records for books published from 1923 to 1963. If their copyrights were not renewed, many books published in that time period have since entered the public domain.
Teaching Copyright: This resource provides lessons and ideas for opening classrooms up to discussion, letting students express their ideas and concerns, and then guiding students toward an understanding of the boundaries of copyright law. Developed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, with a target audience of K-12 teachers, this resource useful tools for any instructor working with students and copyright.
United States Copyright Office: This is the site where you can register your copyrights, renew copyrights, search copyright records, and learn more about copyright law.
University of California Office of Scholarly Communication: The UC system's Office of Scholarly Communication offers extensive information on issues affecting academic authors. It includes an overview of the current trends in scholarly communication, a section on negotiating publishing agreements, an interesting database tracking the vital statistics of over 3,000 major journals.